
New Favorite Magazine - Lula

I picked up the newest edition of LULA at Indigo Westhill's impressive magazine section last week and gushed over the content during the weekend.  Check it out!

"LULA is created for the real girls of the world who love fashion, music, art & make believe.  LULA is gentle, whimsical and ethereal in tone, mixing high fashion to fall in love with and interviews that feel like late night chats with people you wish you knew.  International stylists, photographers, musicians, artists, illustrators and journalists work towards creating a gorgeous magazine that is not only a forum for beautiful work and fresh ideas, but that reads like the honest, funny, and aspirational best friend you dream of."


Edwin said...

Oh, magazines!
I picked up LOVE issue 1, and if the inside is as gorge as the cover photo of Beth Ditto I'll be happy...

Michael said...

It was created by Kirsten Dunst and some stylist, correct? I really would love to get my hands on a copy! So elusive!

Julio Cesar said...

You can get it at Billy's News!

Mel said...

Lula magazine was actually founded by an ex-Vouge employee!

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