Vice Magazine is probably a part of many Calgarian fashionistas and scensters in the city and the Vice culture has been widely embraced about town. A Store Called Worth gets several phone calls a week from people in search of old and new issues. I even have a calling list for when the delivery guy drops them off! Vice have thrown some of the best parties and The Dos and Don't s of the magazine are probably my favorite section. Some of them are just straight up hilarious fashion faux pas teamed with comments bound to have you rolling in laughter or most times a mouth wide open reaction rendering you speechless. For the most part Vice has been pretty good at following street fashion trends around the world. For me, the Fashion Issue is always an exciting one.
So finally it has happened. Vice are taking on fashion in their newly unveiled Fashion Blog.
In true Vice "fashion" you can expect everything far from the mundane and typical! So far from my quick and hurried browsing we can expect many introductions to some cool style bloggers, journalists and stylists around the world, unique shopping sites, outfits and much more.
Thanks for the tip PR Couture!
Vice Fashion Blog
Links of Intrigue!
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